Our Park Master Plan
Do you love being outdoors and enjoying Winchester’s parks and open space? Do you have ideas about what should be improved? We need your input!
Winchester-Clark County Parks and Recreation Department has hired Omnes, a landscape architecture, planning and art consultant, to develop a new master plan for Winchester that will guide future investment and improvements in your parks. Omnes will guide the five-month planning process, which will include three public engagement sessions. The planning process is community-driven, with the voices of all informing strategies for both improvement and implementation of new parks.
Winchester-Clark County Parks and Recreation hired Omnes, a landscape architecture, planning and art consultant, to develop a master plan for Winchester that will guide future investment and improvements in your parks. This plan was the result of a five month planning process and summer of community engagement events wherein community participation, feedback and opinions were collected for the development of this plan. The planning process was community driven, with the voices of all informing strategies for both improvement and implementation of new parks.
Access to high-quality, accessible parks and open space is critical for the health and well-being of all people. These important spaces in our communities also support economic viability, climate resilience, and connected communities. The goal for Winchester’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan is to establish an achievable vision for equitable park access for all, one in which every person in Winchester can reach and enjoy a park within a 10-minute walk of their home.
The project is generously funded through a grant awarded to the City of Winchester by the National Recreation and Park Association’s 10 Minute Walk Initiative, which strives to ensure there’s a great park within a 10-minute walk of every person, in every neighborhood, in every city across America.
Bloom Master Plan 2021 is the result of this community-wide effort for a better park system. We are excited and looking forward to using this proposal as a guide with which to move forward with improvements and changes to our parks with the public's input. These improvements and changes will occur based on the land involved, the funding possible and the practicality of those suggestions with respect to staffing and maintenance requirements.
For more information, please contact: wccpr.director@gmail.com